Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Making up for lost time!

Hi I wanted to share some more painted pottery from work with you!!

I made this one for my Grandma who is visiting this week, she is newly retired and is into the excercise class that she takes back home. We went to one here the other day and let me tell you she is a champ, so I made her a "Workout Queen" coffee mug!!

This mug is for my other Grandma that might be visiting also in a couple of days!! She pretty much just like different and pretty things, she also loves the color "lime" and she actually calls it lime, so I painted so cute interesting birdies and put her favorite lime color in there a bit!! What do yall think??


Molly Swanson said...

These are SO CUTE!!! You're amazing! You are also just what the pottery needed :). You're AWESOME!

Molly Swanson said...

hey! p.s.- I got the frames from Target, I like that they are square.